Access to Genetics Education and Services

September 9, 2016

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Lori Williamson Dean, MS, CGCLori Williamson Dean, MS, CGC

Assistant Professor and Chair
Department of Genetic Counseling
College of Health Professions
and Program Manager Heartland Genetics Services Collaborative
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Ms. Dean is a 1991 graduate of the Michigan Genetic Counseling Program who currently serves as the Department Chairman and Program Director for the Department of Genetic Counseling in the College of Health Professions at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. Lori has worked to grow a vibrant genetic counseling community in an area that geographically and financially creates a number of barriers to the practice of genetic counseling and to the development and maintenance of a graduate training program. The genetic counseling graduate program she has developed at the University of Arkansas stands apart from other genetic counseling programs through its incorporation of telemedicine, blended courses that provide live instruction along with complementary online components, and satellite training sites throughout the Midwest. Her innovations in graduate education serve as a model for moving training outside of the traditional brick and mortar educational model and provide novel ways of growing the genetics workforce.

Monday, September 12, 2016

4:00-5:00 pm 5915 Buhl Building

The tradition of excellence that distinguishes our genetic counseling program alumni owes a great deal to our founder and first Program Director, Diane Baker, MS, CGC. This annual event, along with The Diane Baker Alumni Award, honors her vision and commitment to the profession. Ms. Baker is a founding member of the genetic counseling program at the University of Michigan, serving as Director of the Graduate Program in Genetic Counseling, and was a premiere member of the program’s faculty until her departure in 2001. She currently serves on the Board of Directors, Genetic Alliance in Washington D.C., and is a member of the American Society of Human Genetics, National Society of Genetic Counselors, and the American Board of Genetic Counseling, having served in numerous capacities.



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