Bienvenido a Heartland Genetics


The Heartland Regional Genetics Network (HRGN) was a group of genetics and newborn screening providers, researchers, industry representatives, public officials, and advocates from Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.

This website provides information and resources for professionals, families, and collaborators to facilitate the understanding of genetics and communication.  Heartland encourages you to use the resources contained in this site.

Nuestros vídeos

We offer a collection of genetic testing-related videos in English, Spanish, and Marshallese. These videos educate and prepare families by providing resources to help them navigate their unique genetic testing journey.

Visit Us On Facebook

Se utiliza para los iconos de "me gusta", "compartir", "comentar" y "reaccionar".

This Thanksgiving, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our vibrant community of professionals, families, and advocates across the Heartland.

We are thankful for your dedication and tireless efforts to enhance education, quality, and accessibility of genetics services. Your commitment plays an important role in helping families navigate their genetics-related journeys.

May this season bring joy to you and your families.

#HRGN #HRSA #GeneticTesting #HealthcareInterpreter #geneticnurse #geneticist #marshallese #Genetics #geneticcounseling #genética #GeneticTesting
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This Thanksgiving, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our vibrant community of professionals, families, and advocates across the Heartland. We are thankful for your dedication and tireless efforts to enhance education, quality, and accessibility of genetics services. Your commitment plays an important role in helping families navigate their genetics-related journeys. May this season bring joy to you and your families.#HRGN  #HRSA #genetictesting #healthcareinterpreter #geneticnurse #geneticist #marshallese #genetics #geneticcounseling #genética #GeneticTesting

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

Last weekend, we marked a bittersweet milestone with our final Marshallese Interpreter Training session in Chicago.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated. It's comforting to know that a new group of advocates is passionately advancing the understanding of genetics and expanding healthcare access to those who need it.

Although this was our last event, the meaningful work will continue, driven by the dedication of our incredible supporters. Together, we keep the mission alive.

From the bottom of our hearts, kommol tata, ael#HRGN##newbornscreeninge#geneticscreeninge#marshallesel#birthdefectsf#geneticcounselingeling
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Last weekend, we marked a bittersweet milestone with our final Marshallese Interpreter Training session in Chicago. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated. Its comforting to know that a new group of advocates is passionately advancing the understanding of genetics and expanding healthcare access to those who need it. Although this was our last event, the meaningful work will continue, driven by the dedication of our incredible supporters. Together, we keep the mission alive.  From the bottom of our hearts, kommol tata, aelop!#HRGN #newbornscreening #geneticscreening #marshallese #birthdefects #geneticcounselingImagen adjuntaImagen adjunta+2Imagen adjunta

The SERN Southeast Regional Genetics Network and the Genetic Metabolic Dietitians International partnered to develop the Nutrition Management Guidelines, Consumer Summary Sheets, and Consumer FAQs, in English and Spanish, which cover evaluating and managing patients known to have a particular metabolic condition.

Explore guidelines, toolkits, and more at

#HRGN #geneticcounseling #genética #geneticcounselor #nursepractitioner #nurse #physicianassistant #registerednurse
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The SERN Southeast Regional Genetics Network and the Genetic Metabolic Dietitians International partnered to develop the Nutrition Management Guidelines, Consumer Summary Sheets, and Consumer FAQs, in English and Spanish, which cover evaluating and managing patients known to have a particular metabolic condition.  Explore guidelines, toolkits, and more at #geneticcounseling #genética #geneticcounselor #nursepractitioner #nurse #physicianassistant #registerednurse

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