Let Your Voice Be Heard! Developing Models for Addressing Genetics Services in the United States Webinar
February 19, 2016
The Heartland Genetics Collaborative and the National Coordinating Center for the Regional Genetic Service Collaboratives (NCC) invites you to comment on proposed models for genetics services to address the current barriers and issues in the genetic service system.
In the fall of 2015, two national surveys were conducted that asked providers and consumers to identify issues in the genetic service system. Through this valuable feedback, a workgroup was able to clearly identify barriers that exist in the system today. Concurrent with these surveys, the workgroup also examined existing regional care centers, to better understand the tools and resources deployed by various systems to address a host of issues. From the lessons learned in this review process, a draft brief was developed that identifies current gaps in services and offers solutions on how a genetics network could address these issues. The draft brief developed by the workgroup is open for comment. Instructions on how to provide comments can be found on the NCC website (here).
What does this mean for you? Public funding structures for the delivery of genetics services are likely to change within the next year. Decisions about public health genetics infrastructure, funding, and priorities will be informed by the recommendations contained with this brief. Therefore, we strongly encourage the families, patients, public health officials, and clinicians in the Heartland region to have your input in this process.
How do you provide your input?
1) Heartland is hosting a webinar on Monday, February 29 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. CST. This will be a chance for you to ask questions and make informal comments.
2) Listen to the archived webinars for content and then provide formal, written comment to ncc@nccrcg.org.
3) Review the brief and provide written comment.
Please contact me at lwdean@uams.edu if you have any questions about this product or process.