Bienvenido a Heartland Genetics

Bienvenidos! La Red Regional de Genética de Heartland es un grupo de proveedores de genética y cribado neonatal, investigadores, representantes de la industria, funcionarios públicos y defensores de Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Dakota del Norte, Oklahoma y Dakota del Sur.

Este sitio web proporciona información y recursos a los profesionales, las familias y los colaboradores para facilitar la comunicación y el trabajo dentro de la Red. Heartland le invita a utilizar los recursos contenidos en este sitio y le invita a participar.

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Heartland’s Annual Meeting Celebration!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us to celebrate the remarkable journey of Heartland Regional Genetics Network (HRGN) over the past two decades.

Key Highlights:
- 20 Years of Achievement: HRGN has left a mark on the genetics landscape, from educating underserved communities to impactful initiatives.

- Your Support Matters: Thank you to our genetics community for your unwavering encouragement, boundless energy, and valuable insights.

- Bright Ideas and Camaraderie: Our annual meetings have been a melting pot of creativity, where ideas spark, connections flourish, and friendships deepen.

As the regional genetics networks gracefully sunset, we know that our Heartland “family” lives on! Our forged bonds will continue to thrive and echo through the years.

#HRGN #genetictesting #newbornscreening #geneticscreening #geneticist #marshallese #genetics #familyhealth #geneticcounseling #genética #geneticcounselor #GeneticTesting
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Heartland’s Annual Meeting Celebration! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us to celebrate the remarkable journey of Heartland Regional Genetics Network (HRGN) over the past two decades. Key Highlights:- 20 Years of Achievement: HRGN has left a mark on the genetics landscape, from educating underserved communities to impactful initiatives.- Your Support Matters: Thank you to our genetics community for your unwavering encouragement, boundless energy, and valuable insights.- Bright Ideas and Camaraderie: Our annual meetings have been a melting pot of creativity, where ideas spark, connections flourish, and friendships deepen. As the regional genetics networks gracefully sunset, we know that our Heartland “family” lives on! Our forged bonds will continue to thrive and echo through the years. #HRGN #genetictesting #newbornscreening #geneticscreening #geneticist #marshallese #genetics #familyhealth #geneticcounseling #genética #geneticcounselor #GeneticTestingImagen adjuntaImagen adjunta+6Imagen adjunta

LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) continues to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents with disabilities.

Each state has a program consisting of faculty and trainees in a wide range of disciplines. It includes parents/family members as paid program participants.

Learn more about the LEND program, its specific fields, and local contacts in your area through the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) at

#HRGN #disabilityawareness #DevelopmentalDisabilities #genetics #familyhealth
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LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) continues to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents with disabilities. Each state has a program consisting of faculty and trainees in a wide range of disciplines. It includes parents/family members as paid program participants. Learn more about the LEND program, its specific fields, and local contacts in your area through the Association of University Centers on Disabilities @aucdpix at #disabilityawareness #developmentaldisabilities #genetics #familyhealth

Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) affects around 1 in 250 people, which makes it one of the most prevalent genetic conditions worldwide, but many do not know about this disease.

FH causes high cholesterol that is not easily removed from the body and deposits into arterial walls. This can increase the risk of heart complications and/or death. Thankfully, genetic testing and treatments are available to those with FH.

The Family Heart Foundation provides easy-to-read and comprehensive information about this condition, including finding a treatment specialist.

Get started at

#HRGN #genetictesting #healthservices #geneticscreening #genetics
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Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) affects around 1 in 250 people, which makes it one of the most prevalent genetic conditions worldwide, but many do not know about this disease. FH causes high cholesterol that is not easily removed from the body and deposits into arterial walls. This can increase the risk of heart complications and/or death. Thankfully, genetic testing and treatments are available to those with FH. The Family Heart Foundation provides easy-to-read and comprehensive information about this condition, including finding a treatment specialist. Get started at #genetictesting #healthservices #geneticscreening #genetics

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is conducting a research program to improve diversity in health-related research.

This excerpt from their website explains more:
"The All of Us Research Program is inviting one million people across the U.S. to help build one of the most diverse health databases in history. We welcome participants from all backgrounds. Researchers will use the data to learn how our biology, lifestyle, and environment affect health. This may one day help them find ways to treat and prevent disease."

If you're interested, visit to learn how to participate.

#HRGN #genetictesting #genetics #familyhealth
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is conducting a research program to improve diversity in health-related research. This excerpt from their website explains more:The All of Us Research Program is inviting one million people across the U.S. to help build one of the most diverse health databases in history. We welcome participants from all backgrounds. Researchers will use the data to learn how our biology, lifestyle, and environment affect health. This may one day help them find ways to treat and prevent disease.If youre interested, visit to learn how to participate. #HRGN #genetictesting #genetics #familyhealth

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We will have a speaker from "All of Us" at our conference next week!!

What Can I Expect from an Appointment at a Genetics Clinic? ( This video is available in Spanish with Spanish or English subtitles.)

Does your child have an upcoming appointment for a genetic evaluation? If so, this video may help you understand what will happen ahead of time.

Head over to our YouTube channel to watch this and other Spanish-language videos to prepare for your visit in advance!

Share and view this video at

#HRGN #genetictesting #newbornscreening #HealthcareInterpreter #geneticscreening #geneticist #genetica #geneticcounseling #GeneticCounselor #genética #genetictesting
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Marshallese subtitles coming soon!

A heartfelt Mahalo to each and every person who played a role in the success of our recent Marshallese Interpreter Training in Genetic and Special Health Care Needs, held in the beautiful Kailua Kona, Hawaii.

Your participation, dedication, and collaborative spirit were the key ingredients to the enriching experience we all shared. Together, we’re breaking down barriers and building bridges towards better healthcare.

#HRGN, #Marshallese #genetictesting #newbornscreening #birthdefects
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A heartfelt Mahalo to each and every person who played a role in the success of our recent Marshallese Interpreter Training in Genetic and Special Health Care Needs, held in the beautiful Kailua Kona, Hawaii. Your participation, dedication, and collaborative spirit were the key ingredients to the enriching experience we all shared. Together, we’re breaking down barriers and building bridges towards better healthcare.#HRGN, #Marshallese #genetictesting #newbornscreening #birthdefectsImagen adjuntaImagen adjunta+5Imagen adjunta

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UAMS Institute n̄an Community Health Innovation

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Nuestros vídeos

Ofrecemos una colección de vídeos relacionados con las pruebas genéticas en español y marshalliano, con y sin subtítulos en inglés. Estos videos educan y preparan a las familias proporcionando recursos para ayudarles a navegar por su viaje único de pruebas genéticas. Por favor, suscríbase a nuestro canal de YouTube para recibir notificaciones cuando haya nuevos vídeos disponibles.


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