How We’re Organized
The Heartland Organizational Chart reflects our commitment to including representatives from all states and from all interested groups. Our goal is to ensure participation and consideration of all viewpoints at all levels.
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is the administrative home for the Heartland Regional Genetics Network Coordinating Center and provides leadership, decision making, grant award management, and project management, and facilitates communication.
We have five standing Work Groups: Newborn Screening, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, Clinical Services, Advocate, and Community Engagement (formerly known as the Hispanic Access Advisory Committee). These groups address issues within their respective fields, such as access, quality, and education. All Heartland work groups are open to anyone who is interested. See the calendar for upcoming meetings and meeting summaries.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee provides leadership in the implementation of the overall project. Membership includes the eight State Genetic Coordinators, three Advocates, work group representatives, among others with necessary expertise the project necessitates.
The co-Program Directors, Program Manager, Program Coordinator, Program Evaluator, and Administrative Assistant serve as ex officio members.
Meeting Summaries
Please visit our Calendar page to retrieve the meeting agendas and call summaries.
All meeting times are CST.