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Common Resources

Dena Talks DNA: Very Basic Genetics

What are genes and chromosomes? How do they work? Genetic Counselor, Dena Goldberg, explains basic…

#112 Pediatric Genetic Counselor

What is the role of genetic counselors in pediatric genetics clinic? What is a pediatric…

What to Expect from a Pre-Test Consultation

What is pretest genetic counseling? What can I expect in my appointment? This video gives…

What to Expect from a Post-Test Consultation

What is post-test genetic counseling? What can I expect in my appointment. This video provides…

NEWBORN SCREENING: What is it about? What does a POSITIVE SCREENING TEST mean? | Dr. Kristine Kiat

What is Newborn Screening? What does a positive test result mean? Pediatrician, Dr. Kristine Alba…

When Should You See a Genetic Counselor

This 1-minute video provides a few examples of reasonss a person may be referred to…