How to Decide About Prenatal Genetic Testing

This 4 minute video walks through the decision making process for someone considering prenatal genetic…

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) provides information on FASD including how it is caused,…

NIPT Summary of Recommendations

This policy priority helps to summarize recommendations that are helpful to providers when navigating the…

Prenatal Genetic Testing Options

This 3 minute video explains the difference between screening and diagnostic options in prenatal genetic…

18-22 Week Ultrasound Results

Details of what a 'normal' ultrasound looks like, and common findings of organs and structures…


MotherToBaby is both an English and Spanish resource to help all individuals, families, providers, and…

Screening and Diagnosis of Mental Health Conditions During Pregnancy and Postpartum

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in this June 2023 provider guideline discuss…

#133 DTC Series: Melanie Hardy on Carrier Screenings

What is carrier screening? How is used in clinical care? Can it test for all…

#123 Infertility: Dr. Kara Goldman on Fertility Testing

What is infertility? At what point should you seek evaluation for it? Dr. Kara Goldman,…

#124 Infertility Series: Jennifer Eccles on PGT for Polygenic Conditions

What are the different types of preimplantation genetic testing currently available? Jennifer Eccles, Head of…

#121 Infertility Series: Baileys on Recipricol IVF Part 2

What is it like to start a family using artificial technologies? Katie and Christina Bailey…

#119 Infertility Series: Lauren Isley on Fertility Genetic Counseling

What does genetics have to do with infertility? What role do genetic counselors play in…

#120 Infertility Series: Baileys on Reciprocal IVF Part 1

What is it like to walk through infertility? Katie and Christina Bailey share their story…

#125 Infertility Series: Nick Charles on Controversies

What medical guidelines provide ethical guidelines for preimplantation genetic testing? What are some of the…

Beyond the Brochure

What are current practices in prenatal genetic counseling? This is provider level resource outlining standard…

Carrier screening

What is genetic carrier screening? What are recessive conditions? What is expanded carrier screening? This…

Carrier screening patient eduation animation

What is carrier screening? Why is it important? Watch this video from a genetics lab…

DOH GSF Conditions

What genetic conditions are usually tested for in prenatal settings? Watch this 5 min. video…

NEWBORN SCREENING: What is it about? What does a POSITIVE SCREENING TEST mean? | Dr. Kristine Kiat

What is Newborn Screening? What does a positive test result mean? Pediatrician, Dr. Kristine Alba…

About Newborn Screening.

Where can I find more information on Newborn Screening? Visit this site, Baby's First Test…

Newborn screening outcomes

What does a negative test mean in Newborn Screening? What does a positive test mean…

Genetic Testing and Pregnancy: A Genetic Counselor Guides You Through Your Testing Options

This 1 hour webinar video talks about genetic testing and pregnancy. In it, two prenatal…