#119 Infertility Series: Lauren Isley on Fertility Genetic Counseling
What does genetics have to do with infertility? What role do genetic counselors play in…

#116 DNA ALLY on Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing
Can genetic counselors counseling on direct-to-consumer testing? What is the future of direct-to-consumer testing? Nargol…

What to Expect from a Pre-Test Consultation
What is pretest genetic counseling? What can I expect in my appointment? This video gives…

What to Expect from a Post-Test Consultation
What is post-test genetic counseling? What can I expect in my appointment. This video provides…

Patient Stories
Where can I find stories from individuals with genetic conditions? Grey's genetics provides information on…

Find A Genetic Counselor
If interested in genetic counseling services, the Find a Genetic Counselor website can be used…

Questions to Ask your Genetic Counselor
How can I prepare for my genetic counseling appointment? Are there common questions I should…

How to Communicate with Your Family Members About Your Genetic Test Results
How do I tell my family about my genetic test results? Genetic Counselor, Mary-Frances Garber,…

Cancer and Genetics
What does genetics have to do with cancer? Watch or read about the intersection of…

What is genetic counseling and genetic testing
What is genetic counseling? What are the benefits of genetic testing? Answers to your frequently…

What is Genetic Testing? Understand genetic testing for genetic syndromes
This 1-minute video provides a brief overview about what genetic testing is. Genetic testing is…

Preparing for your visit with a Genetic Counselor
If you have been referred to see a genetic counselor this short video can help…

When Should You See a Genetic Counselor
This 1-minute video provides a few examples of reasonss a person may be referred to…

What to Expect at Your Genetics Appointment ?
In this brochure you can find out more information about what to expect during a…