The Heartland Organizational Chart 2014-2015 reflects our commitment to including representatives from all states and from all interested groups. Our goal is to ensure participation and consideration of all viewpoints at all levels.
The Heartland Regional Coordinating Center is our administrative home, and provides leadership, decision making, grant award management, project management, and facilitates communication.
The Advisory Board makes decisions that require rapid response, approves documents and pilot project awards, advises on key issues and plans, and provides leadership in implementation of the Heartland Genetics Services Collaborative Plan. The Advisory Board has a defined membership.
We have three standing Work Groups: Newborn Screening, Clinical Genetic Services, and Advocacy, and one ad hoc work group: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI). These groups address issues within their respective fields, such as access, quality, and education. All Heartland work groups are open to anyone who is interested.
Heartland projects are also implemented through the Pilot Project Program, special subcontracts, and Heartland staff. All Heartland projects address priorities identified within the region or at the national level. Please see the Projects page for more information.
An outside evaluator works with the Heartland leadership to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program (Heartland Evaluation Report 2012-2013). This evaluator also serves on a national work group to identify and implement national measures that assess the collective impact of the Collaborative’s work.