Heartland Early Intervention Providers Webinar

February 27, 2018

Thank you for attending the Inaugural Heartland Training for Early Intervention Providers on January 18, 2018. It’s been a busy month since we last saw you, and I’m finally looping back, specifically, about interest in participating in the project. 

Participation would include:

  • continuing to learn and build relationships within your state and across the region
  • sharing information/resources about genetics services with your clients, as appropriate
  • contributing data (aggregate) in terms of the numbers of families with whom you share genetic information (if they fall into the “medically underserved” categories we are targeting, etc.).

We are going to hold an informational webinar on Tuesday, March 6th, 2018, 12:00-1:00 pm CT.

Heartland Meeting
Host: Lori Dean and Ann Chou

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018, 12:00-1:00 pm CT.

When it’s time, start or join the WebEx meeting from here:

Access Information

Meeting Number: 992 882 951
Meeting Password: This meeting does not require a password.

Audio Connection

(405) 271-2466 (External Access)
12466 (Internal Access)

Access Code:

992 882 951


The purpose of this webinar is to: (1) discuss what “participation” means; (2) answer your questions; and (3) discuss data collection.

Please note that we will be making the data collection piece as easy and streamlined as possible. We do not want “data collection” to hinder you from participating.  Yet, we do need data for our reporting purposes.  I’m sure that you understand.

If you wish to participate in the project, but CANNOT attend the webinar, please let us know that, too. We will make other arrangements to meet with you.

Finally, the training materials will be posted on the website soon; we are waiting to hear back from a couple of presenters.  And, I’ll be adding the “how to have the conversation” resource, as well. 

Again, thank you for your interest.  We look forward to a continued partnership with your organization.

Categories: News